Measurements of Arcminute Scale Anisotropy with the BIMA Array

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BIMA Anisotropy Publications

1. Final Results from the BIMA CMB Anistropy Survey and Search for Signature of the SZ effect Measurement
Dawson, K.S., Holzapfel, W.L., Carlstrom, J.E., Joy, M., 2006, Submitted to ApJ.
Also astro-ph/0602413

2. Measurement of Arcminute-Scale Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association Array
Dawson, K.S., Holzapfel, W.L., Carlstrom, J.E., Joy, M., LaRoque, S.J., Miller, A.D., and Nagai, D. 2002, ApJ 581, 86.
Also astro-ph/0206012

3. A Preliminary Detection of Arcminute-Scale Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy with the BIMA Array
Dawson, K.S., Holzapfel, W.L., Carlstrom, J.E., Joy, M., LaRoque, S.J., and Reese, E.D. 2001, ApJ, 553, L1.
Also astro-ph/0012151

4. Limits on Arcminute-Scale Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy at 28.5 GHz
Holzapfel, W.L., Carlstrom, J.E., Grego, L., Holder, G., Joy, M., and Reese, E.D. 2000, ApJ, 539, 57.
Also astro-ph/9912010

Copyright © Holzapfel Group, 2002 Page last modified December 16, 2002